Twitterクライアント「Twitterrific for Mac/iOS」がTwitterのAAA対応でプッシュ通知やタイムラインのライブストリーミング、Apple Watchアプリを廃止。

Twitterrific 5 for Twitter Macアイコン Twitterrific

 Twitterクライアント「Twitterrific for Mac/iOS」がTwitterのAAA対応でプッシュ通知やタイムラインのライブストリーミング、Apple Watchアプリを廃止すると発表しています。詳細は以下から。

Twitterrific 5 for Twitter Macアイコン

 Mac/iOSに対応したTwitterクライアントTwitterrificシリーズを開発&販売している米The Iconfactoryは現地時間2018年07月05日、Twitterrific for Macをv5.3.3へ、for iOSをv5.20へアップデート(機能的にはダウングレード)し、Twitterが08月16日をもって廃止予定の”User Streams API”に変わる“Account Activity API(以下、AAA)”に対応するため、


Twitterrific for Mac/iOSでプッシュ通知やリアルタムで更新されるライブストリーミング・タイムライン、Apple Watchアプリなどいくつかの機能を廃止した/予定だと発表しています。

Today we’re rolling out an update for Twitterrific on iOS and macOS that addresses upcoming changes with how apps interact with Twitter. Unfortunately, these changes cripple the ability of third-party apps like Twitterrific to do push notifications and live-stream events.

Push Nope-ifications • The Breakroom



  • iOS版に有償で提供されていた「プッシュ通知」(2018年08月で廃止)
  • プッシュ通知の廃止に伴い、Apple Watchアプリも削除
  • タイムラインのライブストリーミング取得(2018年08月で廃止)
    • ▶ 2分ごとの自動取得に変更

Twitterrific for Mac

同様にプッシュ通知がAAAで利用できなくなることから、ツイートやリプライ、ダイレクトメール、フォローの通知機能やApple Watchアプリに表示されていた通知が取得できなくなるため、IconfactoryはApple Watchアプリを削除したと発表しています。

If you purchased the Push Notifications Advanced Features on iOS at any point in the past, you will continue to receive notifications until Twitter deactivates their API.[…]When this happens, you won’t be notified when someone likes one of your tweets, quotes you, replies to you, retweets, sends a direct message, or follows you. Since these notifications also power the Today view and Twitterrific’s Apple Watch app, we will be retiring both.

Push Nope-ifications • The Breakroom – The Iconfactory

 Twitterは既にユーザーのアクティビティをリアルタムで取得できるAAAのPremium Packageの提供を有償で始めると発表していますが、提示された価格は最大250アカウント利用で月額2,899ドル(約32万円)で、それ以上はエンタープライズ契約となるため、世界中にユーザーのいるTwitterrificは費用対効果を考え今回のアップデートを決めたそうで、IconfactoryはTwitterに対しAAA移行前にサードパーティ製アプリへの改善を求めています。

The Bottom Line
We sincerely wish Twitter would have offered third party developers a better way forward for our customers. Apps like Twitterrific helped build Twitter’s brand and expand its user base. We even contributed to its lexicon and feature sets (Tweet tweet!) Twitter’s priorities over the last several years, however, have shifted away from end users and toward brands and big companies. We have no choice but to adapt as best we can.

Push Nope-ifications • The Breakroom – The Iconfactory


 Twitterrifcと同様にMac/iOSに対応した人気のTwitterクライアント「Tweetbot」は現在のところアップデートしていませんが、開発者のPaul HaddadさんはTechCrunchのインタビューの中でAPIの変更により今後Tweetbotの一部の機能が削除されたり、通知が遅れたりするかもしれないとコメントしており、

Apparently, the pushback has been working. The API deprecations scheduled for June 19, 2018 have been delayed indefinitely, Tweetbot creator Paul Haddad tells TechCrunch. When and if those deprecations occur, he adds, Tweetbot will continue to work, he says, but a few features may be slower or removed.

Tweetbot 3 arrives with a new look…and a reprieve from Twitter’s API changes | TechCrunch

Twitterは既に公式のTwitter for Macのサポートを終了しており、サードパーティにはTwitterの全ての機能を提供していないので、Twitterの全機能を利用したい方はTwitter LiteをPWAで利用することをおすすめします。


Twitterrific 5.3.3 for Mac

    • Renamed the streaming preference to “Automatically refresh timelines”
    • Fixed a crash when uploading videos that were encoded a certain way
    • Fixed incorrect colors on popovers when running on macOS 10.14
    • Fixed a few other rare crashes

    In the coming months, Twitter plans to discontinue the underlying services that we need to provide live streaming. To work around this, we’ve implemented more thorough automatic refreshing throughout the app including for Lists which have never supported streaming. Live streaming will continue to work until Twitter shuts it down at which point the app will fallback to automatically refreshing approximately every two minutes while you are using the app.

Twitterrific 5.20 for iOS

  • Improvements
    • Presentation setting to remove emoji from people’s names in the timeline
    • Renamed the streaming setting to “Automatically Refresh Timelines”
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a crash when uploading videos that were encoded a certain way
    • Fixed an issue counting characters in the name and location fields when editing your own profile
    • Fixed an issue that caused the text cursor to jump to the end when editing search terms in the compose view
    • Fixed a few other rare crashes
  • Difficult Changes
    • Prepared for the elimination of live streaming
    • Removed purchase of push notifications and the Today view
    • Removed the watch app
  • Discussion
    In the coming months, Twitter plans to discontinue the underlying services that we need to provide both push notifications and live streaming. As a result, we did not feel it was right to keep selling the push notification in-app purchase since we will soon be forced to shut it down. To that end, we’ve consolidated our in-app purchases to a single “Enhanced” option which eliminates ads and unlocks Google Translate.If you have purchased push notifications in the past, both the notifications and the Today view will keep working for as long as we can keep them working.The watchOS app was originally written in such a way that it depended on the data from the push notification service. Since that service is shutting down, it will render the watch app nearly useless without rebuilding it from the ground up. We’ve determined that the amount of development time and effort required for such a task is simply not economically viable at this time.WiFi live streaming is another service that Twitter is discontinuing. To work around this, we’ve implemented more thorough automatic refreshing throughout the app including for Lists which have never supported streaming. Live streaming will continue to work until Twitter shuts it down at which point the app will fallback to automatically refreshing approximately every 2 minutes while you are using the app.


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