Xcodeデバッガーでksp/kspoコマンドが可能になったMac用diffツール「Kaleidoscope v2.4」がリリース。

Kaleidoscope 2.4 Xcode Integration Kaleidoscope&diff

 Xcodeデバッガーでksp/kspoコマンドが可能になったMac用diffツール「Kaleidoscope v2.4.0」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。

Kaleidoscope for Mac

 2020年11月に紆余曲折の末、所有権が米Hypergiant LLC(旧Black Pixel)からオーストリアLetter Opener GmbHへ譲渡され、開発継続が発表されたMac/iPad対応のdiffツール「Kaleidoscope」のMac版がv2.4.0へアップデートされ、Xcodeデバッガー統合機能としてksp/kspoコマンドの提供を開始したと発表しています。

Kaleidoscope 2.4 Xcode Integration

Kaleidoscope 2.4 brings free new features for power users. Enjoy the brand new Xcode debugger integration as well as major usability improvements to the ksdiff command line tool. Please contact us when running into problems or suffering from missing features (Help > Send Feedback…). We also love seeing positive reviews and mentions on the interwebs.


 ksp/kspoはXcodeデバッガーlldbに提供され、出力をKaleidoscopeへ渡す事が可能で、Kaleidoscope v2.4のメニュー → [Integration…] → [Xcode]でコマンドラインツールksdiffをインストールし、.lldbinitを設定すると利用できるようになります。

 ksp/kspoの使用方法は以下の通りで、Kaleidoscope for Macは8,500円(69.99ドル)と高い価格設定になっていますが、公式サイトには14日間利用可能なトライアル版も公開されているので、興味のある方は試してみてください。

ksp - pipe the output of an arbitary lldb command to Kaleidoscope for inspection and diffing
kspo - pipe objects/object descriptions to Kaleidoscope for inspection and diffing

Kaleidoscope v2.4.0 リリースノート

Kaleidoscope 2.4 brings free new features for power users. Enjoy the brand new Xcode debugger integration as well as major usability improvements to the ksdiff command line tool. Please contact us when running into problems or suffering from missing features (Help > Send Feedback…). We also love seeing positive reviews and mentions on the interwebs.

  • New Xcode debugger integration (see Kaleidoscope > Integration…), providing ksp and kspo commands in lldb. Check out the examples to get an idea how much superpower this can add to your debugging abilities.
  • The ksdiff tool now always accepts the –label (-l) option to send the command to a specific Kaleidoscope window.
  • The ksdiff tool now accepts input via pipe. Use in the file list where the piped input should be, or just use it in combination with the –label option to send multiple runs of a command into one window.
  • Enjoy improved window titles. Also, the tab bar is only visible if there is more than one document in a window.
  • Various small visual improvements, particularly on macOS Big Sur. We also fixed some drawing glitches here and there.
  • Fix an issue where ksdiff would not work on macOS High Sierra unless Kaleidoscope was already running.
  • Kaleidoscope no longer gets stuck when being launched with VoiceOver turned on.

