
Amphetamine for Mac 仕事効率化


Amphetamine v4.3

 Amphetamineは米マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジのエンジニアWilliam Gustafsonさんが2014年からオープンソースで開発しているユーティリティアプリで、2010年に開発が終了した「Caffeine」アプリと同じくMacのスリープを抑制する機能がありますが、このAmphetamineがv5.0へメジャーアップデートしています。

Amphetamine for Mac

Amphetamine 5 is finally here! With support for keeping your Mac awake while its display/lid is closed, screen locking, mouse cursor movement, enhanced Trigger criteria, expanded AppleScript support, and lots more, Amphetamine remains best-in-class for managing how and when to keep your Mac awake.

Amphetamine – Mac App Store

Amphetamine v5.0

 Amphetamineはこれまで、Mac App StoreのSandbox制限により、ディスプレイが閉じられた状態のMacBookをスリープさせないことは出来ませんでしたが、Amphetamine v5.0は昨月からAmphetamine v4.3 Betaとして公開されていたBeta版と同じく、コンパニオンアプリであるAmphetamine Enhancerを利用し、リッドクローズドモードのMacBookを常に稼働させておくことが可能になり、

Amphetamine Enhancer

macOS 10.14 Mojave以降でアクセシビリティを利用した制御を許可してやることで、一定時間操作がない場合にMacの画面をロックしたり、マウスカーソルを動かすといった機能が利用できるようになったほか、電源が接続されていない&バッテリーの閾値(%)が指定した値を下回ると、セッションを終了するといった機能が追加/改善されています。

スリープ抑制ユーティリティAmphetamine for Mac Preference

 Amphetamine v5.0のリリースノートは以下の通りで、Amphetamine EnhancerはGitHubリポジトリに公開されており、Gustafsonさんは機能が増えたことに伴い公式のサポートページも公開しているので、リッドクローズドモードでMacBookを利用される方はチェックしてみてください。


Amphetamine 5 is finally here! With support for keeping your Mac awake while its display/lid is closed, screen locking, mouse cursor movement, enhanced Trigger criteria, expanded AppleScript support, and lots more, Amphetamine remains best-in-class for managing how and when to keep your Mac awake.

New Features:

  • Keep your MacBook awake while its display/lid is closed
  • Lock your Mac’s screen after a period of inactivity (macOS 10.14+)
  • Move the mouse cursor after a period of inactivity (macOS 10.14+)
  • Support for Amphetamine Enhancer, a separate app that brings new features to Amphetamine
  • Ability to manually control padding for menu bar image
  • Automatically end non-Trigger sessions when Mac is manually put to sleep
  • Current Session menu item now provides quick access to change current session behavior

Updates to Triggers & Criteria:

  • IPv6 addresses are now supported the in IP Address criterion
  • DNS criterion now allows adding/removing of DNS servers
  • DNS Trigger will now activate if any specified DNS servers are in use
  • VPN Service criterion renamed to Cisco AnyConnect VPN
  • Power criterion renamed to Battery & Power Adapter
  • ‘Power adapter not connected’ condition for Battery & Power Adapter criterion
  • And/or operator for Battery & Power Adapter criterion conditions

Other Improvements:

  • Redesigned Quick Preferences
  • Use the search field instead of scrolling though a long list of running apps
  • Dock icon hides and shows automatically when Amphetamine’s windows open/close
  • Improvements to how Amphetamine determines when to the start screen saver
  • Added new and updated some existing AppleScript commands
  • Preferences > Sessions pane split into Non-Trigger and All Session categories
  • Preferences > Power merged into Preferences > Sessions > Non-Trigger sessions

Bug Fixes:

  • Amphetamine’s menu not appearing when 2 or more displays are arranged vertically
  • Other Time/Until clock showing an unexpected time
  • CPU utilization being monitored unexpectedly
  • Quick Preferences using color to represent preference state/status unexpectedly
  • Screen Saver Exceptions being removed unexpectedly
  • Wrong Screen Saver Exceptions being used during a session
  • Triggers are no longer allowed to have the same name
  • Trigger name not included in notification when one Trigger ends and another starts immediately
  • Various typos and other small bugs

