



 ドイツのセキュリティ研究機関「AV-TEST」は古くからWindowsのウィルス対策アプリの検証を行い、その結果を公開してきた機関ですが、このAV-TESTが2014年からOS Xのウィルス対策アプリの比較を開始[1, 2]し、新たに2016年7月時点のウィルス対策アプリの比較試験の結果を公開しています。

5th July 2016 created by Markus Selinger
12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test
While Mac OS X does already utilize its own internal system protection mechanisms, those wanting to be absolutely sure should ramp up their protection with good security software. The Magdeburg-based institute, AV-TEST, examined 12 of the latest applications, whereby some of them did not perform well.

12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test | AV-TEST





  1. Avast Mac Security 2015 11.7(Free)
  2. AVG VntiVirus 2015(Free)
  3. Avira Free Antivirus 3.2(Free)
  4. Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac 4.0
  5. Canimaan Software ClamXav Sentry 3.5
  6. Dr.Web for MacOSX 10.1
  7. ESET Endpoint Security 6.1
  8. Kaspersky Internet Security 16.0
  9. Microworld eScan for Mac 5.5
  10. ProtectWorks AntiVirs 2.0
  11. Sophos Home 1.1(Free)
  12. Symantec Norton Security 7.0

Furthermore, the product from Intego is not included in this test. At the beginning of the test, the manufacturer was preparing the launch of the new X9 version. That is why Intego no longer wanted to participate in the test with the old X8 version.

12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test




In the detection of malware, 4 out of 12 packages achieve top performance of 100%: AVG, Bitdefender, ESET and Microworld. Four additional packages make minor errors and detect 99.17 percent: Avast, Kaspersky, Sophos and Symantec.[…]The lab used 120 selected Mac malware specimens that it collected a few months prior to the test.

12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test



 また、AV-TESTはMacでは動作しないWindows用マルウェアでもMacを感染源にする可能性があるとして、Macのマルウェア対策アプリでWindowsマルウェアを検出させてみたところ、ESETが11,000種のマルウェアの検出が可能でその他Kaspersky, Bitdefenderなどもいい結果を出したと説明しています。

Many Macs also work in heterogeneous networks together with Windows PCs. While Windows malware is incapable of harming Mac OS X, it can, however, harness the Mac as a platform to continuously re-infect a network.[…] ESET demonstrated excellent performance when it came to detecting over 11,000 selected Windows malware threats. Following close behind, also delivering good performance, were the solutions from Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Microworld, AVG and Avast.

12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test



For the load test of the security packages, 839 files, representing a volume of 30.6 GB, were copied on a reference system, and many downloads were performed.[…]The reference time was 246 seconds. As already mentioned, the packages from Bitdefender and ESET, with 249 and 253 seconds, hardly put the brakes on the system.

12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test




 以上の結果を2015年度のデータと一緒にまとめると以下の様になり、Bitdefenderが2015年度のテストに引き続き良好な結果を残していますが、Symantec Norton Securityは検出率を落とし、逆にESETがパフォーマンステストでも良好な結果を出しており、

遅延 価格 リンク
Avast 100% 99.17% 466秒 無料 LINK
AVG 99.17% 268秒 無料 LINK
Avira 100% 93.33% 381秒 有料 LINK
Bitdefender 100% 100% 249秒 有料/無料 LINK
ClamXav 88.1% 90% 262秒 有料 LINK
Dr.Web 98.33% 1387秒 有料 LINK
ESET 100% 100% 253秒 有料 LINK
eScan 100% 343秒 有料 LINK
F-Secure 76.2% 325秒 有料 LINK
Intego 92.9% 有料 LINK
Kaspersky 100% 99.17% 267秒 有料 LINK
Norton 100% 99.17% 262秒 有料 LINK
Panda 95.2% 有料 LINK
ProtectWorks 49.17% 292秒 有料 LINK
SentinelOne 100% 有料 LINK
Sophos 100% 99.17% 284秒 無料 LINK
Webroot 78.6% 有料 LINK

AV-TESTは多少のお金を払っても最高の検出率とパフォーマンスを求めるなら「Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac」と「ESET Endpoint Security」を、多少パフォーマンスが低下しても、無料でウィルスチェックを行いたいのなら「AVG AntiVirus」を利用することを勧めています。


That is why those seeking to enhance their system to the highest level of protection ought to take a closer look at the security packages available. The packages from Bitdefender or ESET in particular demonstrate that hardly any additional resources are required for enhanced protection. If the additional protection is to be provided for free, then the AVG package is recommended for use.

12 Security Suites for Mac OS X Put to the Test



  1. 匿名 より:

    Mac App Storeの「Virus Scanner Plus」も今回のテストで使われた「Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac」のエンジンと同じなのかな?

    • 匿名 より:


      • 匿名 より:

        Mac App StoreのBitdefenderは2種類あって、無料版のBitdefender Virus Scannerはリアルタイムスキャン機能が省かれてるけど、有料版のVirus Scanner Plusは一応リアルタイムスキャン機能は付いているんじゃなかったけ?

  2. 匿名 より:


  3. 匿名 より:


  4. 匿名 より:

