US-CERT、OS Xなどのネットワークデーモン「mDNSResponder」に攻撃者が任意のコードを実行できる脆弱性が発見されたとしてアップデートを呼びかけ。

OS X 10.11 El Capitan セキュリティ
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 US-CERTがOS Xなどのネットワークデーモン「mDNSResponder」などに攻撃者が任意のコードを実行できる脆弱性が発見されたとしてアップデートを呼びかけています。詳細は以下から。


 アメリカ国土安全保障省のキュリティ機関であるUS-CERTは現地時間6月20日、OS X/iOSのネットワークデーモン「mDNSResponder1, 2」に攻撃者が任意のコードを実行できるメモリベースの脆弱性が発見(VU#143335)されたとしてアップデートを呼びかけています。

mDNSResponder provides unicast and multicast mDNS services on UNIX-like operating systems such as OS X. mDNSResponder version 379.27 and above prior to version 625.41.2 is vulnerable to several buffer overflow vulnerabilities, as well as a null pointer dereference.

Thanks to Apple for reporting this issue to us and working with us to coordinate the fix with vendors.

Vulnerability Note VU#143335 – mDNSResponder contains multiple memory-based vulnerabilities


 この脆弱性はAppleにより報告されたもので、AppleはUS-CERTのアナウンスと同時にメーリングリストサポートサイトを公開し、この脆弱性の影響を受ける以下のバージョンのOS X/iOS/watchOS/AirMac Base Stationをアップデートするように求めています。

  • OS X
    • Versions prior to OS X El Capitan v10.11.1
    • Versions prior to OS X Yosemite v10.10.5 with Security Update 2015-004 Yosemite
    • Versions prior to OS X Mavericks v10.9.5 with Security Update 2015-007 Mavericks
  • iOS versions prior to iOS 9.1
  • watchOS versions prior to watchOS 2.1
  • AirPort Base Station Firmware versions prior to 7.7.7 and 7.6.7

APPLE-SA-2016-06-20-1 AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.6.7 and 7.7.7
AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.6.7 and 7.7.7 is now available and addresses the following:AirPort Base Station Firmware
Available for: AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme and AirPort Time Capsule base stations with 802.11n; AirPort Extreme and AirPort Time Capsule base stations with 802.11ac
Impact: A remote attacker may be able to cause arbitrary code execution
Description: A memory corruption issue existed in DNS data parsing. This issue was addressed through improved bounds checking.CVE-2015-7029 : Alexandre Helie

APPLE-SA-2016-06-20-1 AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.6.7 and 7.7.7


Is the third-party product I use affected by this issue?

Apple has coordinated with many vendors to make sure that they are aware of the availability of this update. For non-Apple products, we suggest that you reach out to your vendor to determine if a product you use is affected and whether the vendor has already updated their product.

Security update for mDNSResponder – Apple Support

