新しいMacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015)のUSB-CポートをUSB-Aへ変換してくれるコンパクトなアダプタ「BeeKeeper」がKickstarterに登場しています。詳細は以下から。
BeeKeeperはKidpower, Incの経営者Jamie O’Rourkeさんが発案した新しいMacBookのUSB-Cポートを一般的なUSB-Aポートへ変換できるコンパクトなアダプタで、外付けHDDやカメラ、USBメモリなど既存のUSB-A端子を持ったデバイスをUSB-C to USB-A ケーブルなどを介すこと無く使用できます。
If you have the new MacBook, you want the BeeKeeper!Why?
Because Apple’s recently released MacBook does not have any standard USB ports! You will need a special adapter to use your current flash drive, external hard drive, phones, cameras, and other USB devices you will need a special adapter.
Beekeeper is the most convenient and affordable solution. Simple, versatile and effective.
[BeeKeeper – Keep USBees Connected to your new MacBook – Kickstarter]
電源供給は一般的なUSB 2.0規格対応の変換アダプタで最大出力5V DC/0.5A(USB 3.0は最大5V DC/0.9A)までし供給出来ず[1, 2, 3]、USB 3.1をサポートしたものでも10W以上のUSB Power Deliveryに対応しているものは少ないようですが、BeeKeeperは新しいMacBookの電源アダプタ 25W(12V DC/2.1A)にも対応するそうで、
First of all, There is no USB-C adapter in the current market that handles power delivery over 10W. The power requirement of the new MacBook is 25W(12V 2.1A) which falls in different profile than the 10W default one (5V 2A) and makes it completely incompatible. As a result, we reengineered BeeKeeper to enable its capability to deliever large power.
[BeeKeeper – Keep USBees Connected to your new MacBook – Kickstarter]
そのために右図、左側のBeeKeeperのプロトタイプ回路をコンパクトに収めるためにKickstarterで資金を募集中だそうです。(右側が一般的なUSB-C to USB-Aアダプタケーブル)
An additional consideration: In order to make the BeeKeeper compact and sleek, we made a new mold, which added a large start-up cost.
[BeeKeeper – Keep USBees Connected to your new MacBook – Kickstarter]
・BeeKeeper – Keep USBees Connected to your new MacBook – Kickstarter
どうせならMagSafe 2対応アダプタとか出ないかな…