macOS 10.15 CatalinaやSidecarでのApple Pencilをフルサポートした「Pixelmator for Mac v3.9」がリリース。

Pixelmator for Mac v3.9 on iPad Pixelmator for Mac
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 macOS 10.15 CatalinaやSidecarでのApple Pencilをフルサポートした「Pixelmator for Mac v3.9」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。


 リトアニアのPixelmator Teamは現地時間2019年11月13日、フォトレタッチアプリ「Pixelmator for Mac」をバージョン3.9へアップデートし、macOS 10.15 Catalinaとその新機能であるSidecarに対応させたと発表しています。

Pixelmator for Mac v3.9

Pixelmator 3.9 Classic adds full support for macOS Catalina, including support for Sidecar and Apple Pencil, and brings a few other improvements and fixes.


 Pixelmator Teamは既に、上位アプリとなるPixelmator Pro for Macのバージョン1.5でmacOS 10.15 CatalinaとSidecarをサポートしていましたが、Pixelmator for Mac v3.9でもSidecarがサポートされ、SidecarでApple Pencilを利用したさいの筆圧の感度も改善されているそうなので、ユーザーの方はアップデートしてみてください。

Pixelmator for Mac v3.9 on iPad


Pixelmator 3.9 Classic adds full support for macOS Catalina, including support for Sidecar and Apple Pencil, and brings a few other improvements and fixes.

  • Pixelmator is now fully compatible with macOS Catalina, including support for Sidecar and Apple Pencil.
  • A new button to change the visibility of the Layers palette has been added to the Touch Bar.
  • When showing palettes, they will now appear on the currently active screen rather than the primary display.
  • Pressure sensitivity when using graphics tablet pens (and Apple Pencil with Sidecar) has been improved.
  • The Pixelmator extensions for the Photos app have been rebuilt using optimized Swift code.
  • Brush size by pressure will now scale linearly from 1-100% and algorithmically from 100%-1000%.
  • It is now possible to open Pixelmator documents with some missing data.


  • The Tools palette’s shortcut menu would sometimes be slightly offset on external displays. Fixed.
  • When using vector tools and setting the Stroke slider in the Touch Bar to the minimum value, the arrow buttons in the Tool Options bar would be disabled. Fixed.
  • The Continuity camera was not working. Fixed.
  • The effect rope would sometimes be displayed incorrectly on external displays. Fixed.
  • The color of text would change slightly while creating a new layer and pasting something into the document. Fixed.
  • The color of text would change slightly when opening another document with a different color space. Fixed.
  • The default orientation of new alignment guides was incorrect. Fixed.
  • When clicking the color well in the Rulers Preferences, the Colors window would not appear if it was already open before opening the Preferences window. Fixed.
  • Pixelmator would quit unexpectedly when attempting to use the Touch Bar while the trial window was open. Fixed.
  • Pixelmator would quit unexpectedly when adding numerical values to the names of layer slices. Fixed.
  • Pixelmator would sometimes quit unexpectedly when trying to use the color well in the Fonts palette. Fixed.
  • Various fixes improve the stability of Pixelmator.

