Telestream、Mac用ビデオキャプチャー&編集アプリ「ScreenFlow v6」をリリース。

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 TelestreamがMac用ビデオキャプチャー&編集アプリ「ScreenFlow v6」をリリースしています。詳細は以下から。


 WirecastやSwitchなどMacのビデオ&オーディオアプリを開発&販売している米Telestream, LLCがMac用ビデオキャプチャーアプリ「ScreenFlow」シリーズの最新版となる「ScreenFlow v6」を新たにリリースしています。


Version 6.0
New Features in 6.0

  • Partial Screen Capture – Record any part of your screen. Capture just a single application window, define a region, or record the entire desktop.
  • iOS Audio Monitoring – Now you can listen to your iOS devices audio WHILE you are capturing and recording it! Great for mobile games, app developers, musicians – anyone who needs to demo an app where audio is a crucial part of the operation.
  • Loop Recording – Set ScreenFlow to create a rolling recording buffer so you will be able to record for hours without taking up all your hard drive space. When you stop the recording, ScreenFlow will only keep the configured number of minutes of recorded footage you told it to remember. Helpful for reporting of intermittent computer or application issues, or for use when gaming to share that big moment!
  • Multi-Channel Audio Mixer – ScreenFlow now sees and records multiple audio channel inputs from USB mixers. Record up to 16 discreet audio channels from a single USB input, then mix and adjust them separately in ScreenFlow’s inspector.
  • Extract Audio Channels – Now you can pull out any audio channel into it’s own track. Great for isolating audio channels or inputs inside multi-channel audio clips.
  • Redesigned Countdown Overlay – ScreenFlow will now tell you exactly what sources are going to be recorded while it counts down to start the recording. No more last minute guessing!
  • Redesigned Waveforms – Audio waveforms are now drawn using a new implementation for better performance and more accuracy.

Screencasting and Video Editing Software | Telestream ScreenFlow | Version History

 ScreenFlow v6では新たに一定のエリアだけを録画する「Partial Screen Capture」機能や、張力や重力がかかったオブジェクトを表現できるビデオモーション機能、複数のオーディオチャンネルをまとめられる「Multi-Channel Audio Mixer」機能、iOSのオーディオ録画機能などが搭載されています。

 ScreenFlow v6の価格はMac App Store版が6,000円で、アップデートの度に割引価格が適用される公式サイト版は99ドル。公式サイトではトライアル版も公開されているので、興味のある方は確認してみてください。

