
Tweetbotを開発しているTapbotsは、Tweetbot for Macをv2.3.3へ、Tweetbot for iOSをv4.2.2へアップデートしています。どちらも不具合修正が中心のアップデートですが、iOS版では新たにiPad/iPhone 6 Plusでサイドカラムに「アクティビティ」「スタッツ」「メンション」に加え「Likes」も追加できるようになっています。
for Mac
What’s New in Version 2.3.3
Stars are now Hearts, Favorites are now Likes. They still behave exactly like they always have, just think of it as quick coat of paint to better match Twitter’s display guidelines.
– Better handling of view sizes when using a single column in full screen
– If iCloud Drive isn’t enabled, you’ll see a warning asking you to enable it.
– If the window is fullscreen and the screen resolution changes, the window will now resize properly
– Copying and pasting an image file from the Finder into a compose window now pastes the image properly
– Better handling of window sizing when dragging multiple images into a new tweet window
– Fixed the issue where using shift-space/page down could scroll past partially visible tweets
– Fixed an issue where double-clicking on a quoted tweet would open the status detail for the quoted tweet and the original tweet
– When posting tweets with large images, you should see less ‘Media parameter is invalid’ errors
– Other minor stability improvements
for iOS
What’s New in Version 4.2.2
Stars are now Hearts, Favorites are now Likes. They still behave exactly like they always have, just think of it as quick coat of paint to better match Twitter’s display guidelines.
– Russian localization
– Trends lists are now truncated to a much smaller set
– You can once again share mute filters by using a long press on the Filters tab
– Unfollowing someone now also removes their retweets from your timeline
– You can now add Likes to the side column on iPad/iPhone 6+
– Fixed slow down with lots of DMs
– Fixed inability to unblock some users
– Various other fixes

*昨日報告されていたTweetbot for Mac v2.3.2が一部のMacでクラッシュする不具合はv2.3.3で修正されたそうなので。ユーザーの方はアップデートしてみてください。