Pixelmator for Mac v3.4.1がリリース。テキストペースト時にフォントスタイルを合わせてくれる機能やIntel HD 3000 GPUを搭載したMacでのパフォーマンスが向上。

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 Pixelmator Teamがいくつかの新機能と不具合を修正したPixelmator for Mac v3.4.1をリリースしています。詳細は以下から。


 Pixelmator for Mac v3.4.1はv3.4からのマイナーアップデートで、リリース・ノートによるとPhotoshop CCとの互換性やズーム機能の改善など不具合修正が中心ですが、


This update includes several new features, performance improvements and bug fixes.

New features and improvements
• Use Paste and Match Style when pasting text into Pixelmator
• Pan an image with the Hand Tool while using the Polygonal Lasso Tool
• Gradients are now faster and work much better with large images
• Resize images with nearest-neighbor scaling: hold down Option key (⌥) when clicking OK in the Image Size dialog
• Improved compatibility with the latest Photoshop CC features
• Improved zooming in the Pixelmator Distort Extension

Fixes and stability improvements
• Autosave for images with all layers hidden now works properly
• Midpoint values of gradients used as Fill in Layer Styles are saved correctly
• It is now possible to edit a text layer gradient that has been added with drag and drop
• Layers palette dims when disabled
• Stroke effect thumbnail shows the effect preview
• Add Effect to Favorites feature works as it should
• Now you can exit the Quick Mask Mode while having an active selection
• Select tools from the Tools palette while Transforming or Croping objects, as well as while preparing your image to Export for Web
• The Infobar displays an object’s width, height and angle as well as the X, Y and delta X, Y coordinates much more accurately
• Labels of the Hue effect adjustment wheel appear where they should
• Keyboard shortcuts for changing gradient type and preset now also work when the Gradients palette is hidden
• Large zoomed out images are now displayed sharper than before (requires OS X 10.11.2)
• Fixed a rare issue where a zoomed out image became transparent while dragging a layer on Macs with a Retina display
• Disabled Force Touch-Sensitive Painting. Visit our forum to learn how to reenable it: bit.ly/reenable-force-touch
• Improved stability of the Pixelmator Distort Extension
• No more hangs when moving documents from iCloud Drive to another location using the title bar
• Issues with Intel HD 3000 graphics cards

Improved performance on Mac computers with Intel HD 3000 graphics cards. More details on our forum: bit.ly/improved-hd3000-performance

Pixelmator – Mac App Store



 その他Pixelmator for Mac v3.4.1ではレイヤーパレットが利用されていない場合レイヤーが暗くなる機能や、Intel HD Graphics 3000を搭載した2011年製のMacでのパフォーマンスが向上しているそうです。



  1. Apple7743 より:


  2. Apple7743 より:

    そういえばちょっと前にMac App Storeではなく公式からトライアルではなく通常版が無料ダウンロードできるようになってたんだけどなんだったんだろ?

  3. Apple7743 より:

    Affinity Photoはわからないが、Affinity DesignerはUIの作りや操作性がMacの標準的なものじゃないせいか、微妙に扱いにくいんだよな。Pixelmatrは癖がなくて扱いやすい。
