ダウンしている送信メールサーバーは「p04-smtp.mail.me.com」で現在(2014/04/12/ 20:00)もなお送信できない状態だそうです。

[The second day of this and Apple’s status page still reporting no issues. – Twitter]
Twitterや2ch、サポートコミュニティ[1, 2, 3]の情報によると「今週末(9日あたり)からiCloudメールを送信しようとすると”connection to the server p04-smtp.mail.me.com on the default ports timed out”のエラーが返ってきてメールを送信できない」っというものです。
@tim_cook iCloud unable to send mail for 2 days now. Not funny anymore.
Is #icloud down? Haven’t been able to send an email all day. Get your act together #apple.
@9to5mac There is an annoying e-mail issue with Apple iCloud account. Many of us cannot send a mail at all! (http://t.co/bLXLx7dkIL issue).
I’ve not been able to send iCloud email in over 12 hours – alongside many others – would be great if the iCloud status page reflected this.
Well this is a lie for start off! iCloud mail is shafted currently. http://t.co/CLWN28z4SY
#iOS #Mail app seems to have a problem with sever http://t.co/zoir282WnQ.
To fix add another server dropping the p04- and disable default

・Cannot send @me.com mail using the server iCloud. – Apple Support Commu
・Twitter [1, 2, ,3, 4]