
Anker New Qi2 Accessory Anker
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 米Ankerは現地時間2023年08月31日、独ベルリンで開催されるIFA 2023に合わせて新しいUSB-Cアクセサリーポータブル電源、家庭用電源システムを発表しましたが、加えて、マグネットを利用しiPhone背面の適切な位置にワイヤレス充電器などを接続できるMagGoシリーズに今後ワイヤレス充電規格「Qi2」対応のアクセサリーを追加すると発表しています。

Anker's Latest Nano Series of Charging Accessories

 Qi2は2023年01月にWireless Power Consortium(WPC)により発表された次世代ワイヤレス充電規格で、WPCのメンバーであるAppleのMagSafe仕様をベースに開発されたMagnetic Power Profileは、ワイヤレス充電対応のスマートフォンや充電式バッテリーと充電デバイスとの互換性を保証し、エネルギー効率の向上および高速化を実現しますが、

Qi2 MagSafe technology by Apple

WPC member, Apple®, provided the basis for the new Qi2 standard building on its MagSafe® technology. Apple® and other WPC members developed the new Magnetic Power Profile, which is at the core of Qi2.

New Qi2 Standard for Wireless Devices Ensures Enhanced Consumer Convenience and Efficiency – Business Wire


Anker New Qi2 Accessory

Today Anker is also excited to unveil the next generation of it’s 15W MagGo wireless magnetic charging series.[…]This landmark achievement showcases Anker’s unwavering commitment to delivering the most advanced charging experience, mirroring the speed and efficiency of Apple’s 15W MagSafe technology and compatible with all Apple MagSafe iPhone products.

Anker Innovations Unveils Series of Stylish, Powerful Products From its Portfolio of Technology and Lifestyle Brands at IFA 2023 – PR Newswire



Anker MagGo Magnetic Charging Station (8-in-1, 67W)

Anker MagGo Magnetic Charging Station (8-in-1, 67W)

Anker MagGo Power Bank (6,600mAh, 15W)

Anker MagGo Power Bank (6,600mAh, 15W)

Anker MagGo Power Bank (10,000mAh, 15W)

Anker MagGo Power Bank (10,000mAh, 15W)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charger (15W, Pad)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charger (15W, Pad)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (15W, 3-in-1 Pad)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (15W, 3-in-1 Pad)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (15W, 3-in-1 Stand)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (15W, 3-in-1 Stand)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (15W, Foldable, 3-in-1)

Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (15W, Foldable, 3-in-1)

