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IBM today announced the launch of a new service that will allow large companies to easily incorporate Mac computers into their preexisting corporate infrastructure. The service, being deployed by IBM’s MobileFirst Managed Mobility Services unit, will be aimed at companies around the world and not just based in the United States.

[IBM Launches New Service to Deploy Macs to Businesses Around the World – Mac Rumors]


 プレスリリースによると、このサービスは既にIBMとAppleが共同で開発しiOS向けに提供しているMobileFirstに関連したモビリティサービスで、IBMとAppleの”Mac@IBM プログラム”に基いており「Macを従業員向けに迅速かつ安全な環境で展開する」サービスとなっているそうです。


These new mobility services for Mac are based on experience IBM gained through its internal Mac@IBM program, with IBM deploying Macs to employees around the globe at speed and scale, in a highly secure enterprise environment. With its partnership with Apple, this presented an opportunity for IBM to commercialize this offering using its own experience in enterprise deployment and the ability to scale to clients’ specific needs.

[2015-08-05 Mac At Work: IBM Launches Services to Deploy Macs at Scale to the Enterprise via Cloud – United States – IBM News Room]

 このサービスはエンタープライズ向にMacの展開・セットアップを行っているJAMF Softwareともパートナーシップを結んでおり、MobileFirstを使用する企業の従業員がMacBookシリーズからMac Proを含むデスクトップ用 Macなどを迅速かつ安全に使用するのをサポートするとのことです。

The company promises that the new MobileFirst service will be completely headache-free for clients, with the Macs delivered directly to customers and ready to go out of the box with easy network access setup screens and security measures. It will also support the personal Macs of employees if they bring their own devices to work.

The source of the quick-and-painless software setup is a partnership with JAMF Software and its Casper Suite, the “leading solution” for the quick deployment and setup of enterprise computers.

[IBM Launches New Service to Deploy Macs to Businesses Around the World – Mac Rumors]

 このサービスを発表するにあたりJAMF SoftwareのCEO Dean Hagerさんは「このサービスはAppleの技術やデバイスに対する需要の高まりであり、IBMが支援する企業や巨大組織をAppleと共に成功へ導くための素晴らしい機会だ」というコメントを発表しています。

“Today’s announcement is a powerful testament to the growing demand for Apple technology in the enterprise and to the strong relationship between IBM and JAMF to help organizations inventory, deploy and secure their Apple devices,” said Dean Hager, CEO, JAMF Software. “This is a great opportunity for us to work with IBM in helping businesses and other large organizations succeed with Apple.”

[2015-08-05 Mac At Work: IBM Launches Services to Deploy Macs at Scale to the Enterprise via Cloud – United States – IBM News Room]



[日本郵政グループ、IBM、Apple、 日本の高齢者がサービスを通じて家族・地域コミュニティーとのつながりを築くためにiPadと専用アプリを提供 – IBM Japan]



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