Apple、iCloudなど一部のサービスをGoogle Cloud Platformへ移行し、AWSへの依存と経費を削減?


 AppleがiCloudサービスで利用するクラウドサービスにGoogle Cloud Platformを使用し、Amazon Web Servicesへの依存と経費を削減を行っているようです。詳細は以下から。


 米The Channel CompanyのIT系メディアCRNや元WSJの記者Amir Efratiさんなどによると、Appleは昨年から自社の「iCloud」サービスや一部のiTunesサービスなどを運用するクラウドサービスをAmazonのAWS(Amazon Web Services)からGoogleのGoogle Cloud Platformへ移行し、AWSへの依存と経費の削減を図っているそうです。

Since inking the Google deal late last year, Apple has also significantly reduced its reliance on Amazon Web Services, whose infrastructure it uses to run parts of iCloud and other services, said the sources, who all requested anonymity to protect their relationships with the vendors.[…] According to the sources, Google executives have told partners that Apple is spending between $400 million and $600 million on Google Cloud Platform, although this couldn’t be independently confirmed. Also unclear is whether this range refers to an annual spending rate or a set amount of capacity.

Cloud Makes For Strange Bedfellows: Apple Signs On With Google, Cuts Spending With AWS  – Page: 1 | CRN


 AppleのiCloudサービスなどは2011年からAWSやMicrosoft Azureを利用し運用されており、モルガン・スタンレーの先月のレポートによるとAppleは現在AWSに年間 10億ドルの経費を計上しているそうですが、Appleは昨年末にAWSよりコストが安いGoogleと契約を交わし、同社に400~600万ドルの支払を行っているそうで、

Morgan Stanley, in a report released last month, estimated that Apple spends around $1 billion annually on AWS, but speculated that Apple may look to reduce that figure by moving more computing to its own data centers. […] Reports of Apple using AWS and Microsoft Azure to run parts of its cloud services date back to 2011, although neither AWS nor Microsoft has ever confirmed that Apple is a customer.

Cloud Makes For Strange Bedfellows: Apple Signs On With Google, Cuts Spending With AWS  – Page: 1 | CRN

 Business Insiderはここ数ヶ月の間にSpotifyがAWSからGoogle Cloud Platformへ移行し、DropboxがユーザーデータをAWSから自社サーバーへ移行したことに触れ、現在Amazon, Microsoftに次ぐクラウドベンダー第3位のGoogleが巻き返しを図っていると報じています。


This is Greene’s second big score: Spotify also announced last month that it’s using Google’s cloud. Spotify is also an AWS user.
Meanwhile, Dropbox is also engaged in an exodus from Amazon’s cloud empire, reports Wired. Dropbox isn’t moving to Google. It’s grown big enough to build and run its own data centers, however we understand that Dropbox is still using AWS in certain instances, like for international customers.

Google nabs Apple as a cloud customer – Business Insider



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    >AWS への Billing DDoS攻撃について。有効な対策はなさそう。

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