SamsungがPCIe 2.0 SSDより30%高速で、次世代ノートPCでの採用が予想されるPCIe 3.0 SSD「SM951」の生産を開始したそうです。詳細は以下から。

PCIe 2.0 SSDはMacBook Air Mid 2013で初めて採用され、その後MacBook Pro RetinaディスプレイやMac Proにも採用されてきた規格ですが、今回Samsungが量産を開始したPCIe 3.0 SSD「SM951」は「XP941」の後継シリーズで512、256、128GBの容量が用意され、10nmクラスのMLC NANDを使用、性能は
・PCIe 2.0接続時はシーケンシャルRead 1600MB/s、Write 1350MB/s
・PCIe 3.0接続時はシーケンシャルRead 2150MB/s、Write 1550MB/s
と、PCIe 2.0接続時より約30%高速になっているとのことです(ランダムReadは130000 IOPS、Writeは85000 IOPS)。

The SM951 boasts outstanding performance, supporting both PCIe 3.0 and PCIe 2.0 interfaces. For use in the latest ultra-slim notebooks, it can read and write sequentially at 1,600 MB/s (megabytes per second) and 1,350 MB/s respectively based on PCIe 2.0. This performance level is approximately three times faster than that of the latest SSD with a SATA interface and about 30 percent faster than that of the Samsung XP941, its predecessor. In addition, the new SSD’s random read and write speeds reach up to 130,000 and 85,000 IOPS (inputs / outputs per second) respectively.
For ultra-slim notebooks and workstations wanting to adopt the PCIe 3.0 interface, the SM951 can read and write sequentially at 2,150 MB/s and 1,550 MB/s respectively, which would provide approximately four times faster sequential reading performance compared to current SATA SSDs. With a PCIe 3.0 interface, the drive achieves substantially higher energy efficiency, requiring only about 450 MB/s per watt for sequential reading and 250 MB/s per watt for sequential writing, which translates into a more than 50 percent improvement in performance per watt over that of the XP941 SSD.
[Samsung Electronics Now Mass Producing an Extremely Fast, Low-powered PCIe SSD for Today’s Notebook PCs – Samsung]

[MacBook Air 13″ Mid 2013 Teardown – iFixit]
SM951は省電力性にも優れており、XP941より1ワットあたりのパフォーマンスが50%以上向上し、「L1.2 low power standby mode」がサポートされている場合 L1状態の待機電力50mWに対しL1.2では97%減の2mWになると説明されています。

[Samsung SSD Global Summit 2014 – AnandTech]
In addition, the SM951 is the first SSD to adopt the L1.2 low power standby mode (which allows all high-speed circuits to be turned off when a PC is sleeping or in hibernation) as defined by PCI-SIG (the PCIe standards body). By embracing the L1.2 level of standby operation, the SM951’s power consumption is drastically reduced – to under 2mW, about a 97 percent decrease from the 50mW consumed using a L1 state.
[Samsung Electronics Now Mass Producing an Extremely Fast, Low-powered PCIe SSD for Today’s Notebook PCs – Samsung]
・Samsung’s Ultrafast, Low Power SSD Possibly Headed for Next MacBooks – The Mac Observer
・Samsung Electronics Now Mass Producing an Extremely Fast, Low-powered PCIe SSD for Today’s Notebook PCs – SAMSUNG
・Transcend公式アカウントだけどMacBookシリーズ用SSD JetDrive 500/520/720について何か質問ある?![]()