ScrivenerはイングランドのKeith Blountさんが2007年に大学の論文執筆のため開発を始めた文章作成ツールで、iOSアプリはApp Store Best of 2016にも選出されていますが、このScrivenerが日本語を含む多言語へのローカライズを行うためにベータテスターを募集しています。
Beta Testers Wanted for Scrivener Localisation! Thank you for your help. 🙂 All the best, L&L.
— Scrivener (@ScrivenerApp) 2017年3月16日
Scrivener for macOS & iOS are currently being localised into several languages and we are looking for testers and proofers to help us make these localisations as great as possible for release. As a beta-tester, you will receive access to a pre-release version of Scrivener in return for reporting any issues with the translations you encounter (and of course, if you find any bugs we’ll be happy to look into those as well). The languages we are looking for feedback on are:
Literature and Latte – Beta Testers Wanted for Scrivener Localisation!
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Italian
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Japanese
- Korean
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Swedish
- Beta Testers Wanted for Scrivener Localisation! – Literature and Latte
- Scrivener Writing Software | Mac OS X | Windows – Literature and Latte