AppleがOS X 10.10ユーザー向けに「OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Combo Update」をリリースしています。詳細は以下から。

AppleはOS X Yosemiteの3rdアップデートとなるOS X 10.10.3を今朝リリースしましたが、同時にOS X 10.10や10.10.1からアップデートするユーザー向けに「OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Combo Update」をリリースしています。(リリースノートはOS X 10.10.3 Updateと同じ)。
The OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 update includes the new Photos app and improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac.
With Photos you can:
・Browse your photos by time and location in Moments, Collections, and Years views
・Navigate your library using convenient Photos, Shared, Albums, and Projects tabs
・Store all of your photos and videos in iCloud Photo Library in their original format and in full resolution
・Access your photos and videos stored in iCloud Photo Library from your Mac, iPhone, iPad, or with any web browser
・Perfect your photos with powerful and easy-to-use editing tools that optimize with a single click or slider, or allow precise adjustments with detailed controls
・Create professional-quality photo books with simplified bookmaking tools, new Apple-designed themes, and new square book formats
・Purchase prints in new square and panoramic sizes
・It’s easy to upgrade your iPhoto library to Photos – just launch the app to get started. To learn more about Photos, please visit: update also includes the following improvements:
・Adds over 300 new Emoji characters
・Adds Spotlight suggestions to Look up
・Prevents Safari from saving website favicon URLs used in Private Browsing
・Improves stability and security in Safari
・Improves WiFi performance and connectivity in various usage scenarios
・Improves compatibility with captive Wi-Fi network environments
・Fixes an issue that may cause Bluetooth devices to disconnect
・Improves screen sharing reliability
For more detailed information about this update, please visit:
OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Combo UpdateにはAppleの新しい写真アプリ「Photos」が含まれているためファイルサイズが約2 GBとなっていますが、OS X 10.10.1/10.10.2でアップデートされたSafariやシステムの脆弱性修正もされているので、OS X 10.10ユーザーやシステム管理者の方は以下リンクからどうぞ。。

・OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Combo Update(2GB)
・OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Update(1.52GB)
・Apple、OS X 10.10ユーザー向けに「OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Combo Update」を提供開始![]()