アメリカの周辺機器メーカーSonnetがThunderboltをeSTATまたはGigabit Ethernet + USB 3.0に変換できるアダプター「USB 3.0+eSATA Thunderbolt Adapter」と「USB 3.0+Gigabit Ethernet Thunderbolt Adapter」を発売しています。詳細は以下から。

Sonnetの「USB 3.0+eSATA Thunderbolt Adapter」と「USB 3.0+Gigabit Ethernet Thunderbolt Adapter」は去年Kanexが発売した「Thunderbolt to eSTAT/Gigabit Ethernet + USB 3.0 Adapter」と同様にThunderboltをUSB 3.0とeSATA/Gigabit Ethernetに変換できるアダプターで、

USB 3.0は5Gb/s(最大350 MB/sec), eSATAは6Gb/s(最大375 MB/s), Gigabit Ethernet は1000BaseTまでをサポートし、eSATAアダプターはEarly 2008以降のMacのBootもサポート。サイズは両アダプターも52 x 80 x 22 mmで価格は直販サイトで99ドルとなっています。

Both the USB 3.0+eSATA Thunderbolt Adapter and USB 3.0+Gigabit Ethernet Thunderbolt Adapter provide one 5.0 Gb/s USB 3.0 port for connecting to storage, hubs, and other USB 3.0 devices. In addition, the eSATA Adapter offers a single eSATA port that supports port multipliers, and the Gigabit Ethernet Adapter includes a Gigabit Ethernet port that supports 1000/100/10Base-T auto-negotiation. Both devices are bus-powered and require no additional power adapter, and each comes equipped with a 10 Gb/s Thunderbolt interface and attached Thunderbolt cable.
[Sonnet Introduces USB 3.0 Combo Thunderbolt Adapters – Sonnet PR]
・USB 3.0+eSATA Thunderbolt Adapter – Sonnet
・USB 3.0+Gigabit Ethernet Thunderbolt Adapter – Sonnet