AppleはWWDC 2016のセッション701″Introducing Apple File System”でFlashストレージや暗号化に焦点を当て、MacからApple Watchをカバーする新しいファイルシステム「APFS」の開発を発表しましたが、このAPFSのレビューをSolarisやDTrace, ZFSなどの開発に携わったAdam Leventhalさんが公開し話題になっています。
Everything you wanted to know about APFS (*But were afraid to ask) https://t.co/4LAiPazfGg
— Adam Leventhal (@ahl) 2016年6月19日
Apple announced a new file system that will make its way into all of its OS variants (macOS, tvOS, iOS, watchOS) in the coming years.[…]With those data points and some first hand usage I wanted to provide an overview and analysis both as a user of Apple-ecosystem products and as a long-time operating system and file system developer.
AdamさんのAPFSレビューはTime Machineが発表されたWWDC 2006のプロローグから始まり、暗号化, スナップショットとバックアップ, 管理(Container), Space Sharingなどに分かれているので興味のある方は確認してみてください。
- ZFS: Apple’s New Filesystem That Wasn’t
- APFS in Detail: Overview
- APFS in Detail: Encryption, Snapshots, and Backup
- APFS in Detail: Space Efficiency and Clones
- APFS in Detail: Performance
- APFS in Detail: Data Integrity
- APFS in Detail: Conclusions
I hope to see data integrity features added to APFS later, but that’s not the top priority for APFS. The top priorities for APFS are encryption/privacy, and energy efficiency. Redundancy and checksums make perfect sense for a machine plugged into the wall; they create a trade-off for devices that run on batteries. I think we’ll see these features eventually in APFS, but I’m not surprised they didn’t make the first cut.
Adam Leventhal: ‘APFS in Detail’ – Daring Fireball
- Adam Leventhal: ‘APFS in Detail’ – Daring Fireball
- Appleの新しいファイルシステム「APFS」のチュートリアルまとめ