昨日、Apple Retail Storeに展示してあるMacBookのディスプレイ角度が変更されたという記事を書いた際、Appleの従業員の事を調べたいたところ「Appleは従業員に対し5年ごとに永年勤続表彰を贈る」という記事を見つけたので調べてみました。
Details matter here. A lot.
This award celebrates 10 years of your amazing contributions to Apple. Through your hard work, passion, and commitment, you have helped to show the world that technology can do more than engage and expand people’s minds. It can also touch their hearts and reach their souls. It can be both human and humane. In doing so, not only have you helped to alter what people have come to expect from the devices in their lives, but you have also changed what people expect from themselves. You have helped them create, relate to, and enjoy the world around them in a fundamentally different – better -way. Thank you for making this kind of difference. It is a great accomplishment in 10 years. Tim Cook, CEO
[10 Years At Apple – Deep Trouble]
Appleの永年勤続表彰は5年ごとに贈られ、5年目で感謝状、10年目で記念品が贈られるそうで、この記念品を贈られたApple従業員のJohn VinkさんやDeep Jawaさんによると、記念品は銀色のリボンでラッピングされており、中にはAppleのCEO名での感謝状と高圧ウォータジェットでカットされたAppleのロゴが中に収められている約6.6kgのクリスタルオブジェ、そして目録が入っているそうです。
The fabrication of this award begins with a 14.5 pound block of highly refractive lead glass that bends and captures light better then ordinary glass.
The surfaces are then planed and polished to eliminate distortions and imperfections, creating what is essentially a high-quality optical lens with a unique brilliance and sparkle.
A rough outline of the Apple logo is carved into the glass using a high-pressure water jet, and a computerized milling machine is used to cut the edges of the logo precisely.
In the end, the Apple logo is cut perfectly perpendicular to the top and bottom of the award. And finally, the interior is sandblasted to create a striking white appearance that’s also soft to the touch.
- 10 Years At Apple – Deep Trouble
- Apple 10 Year Service Award, Crystal Apple Logo Glass Cube – eBay
- Apple Vintage Computer Pin Badge – eBay
こんなのmini mac の箱に入れる位なら、本物のmini mac あげれば良いのに。