Bluetooth SIG 、Bluetooth 4.2の仕様を公開。IPv6をサポートしインターネットに接続可能でデータ転送速度は2.5倍に。


 Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG)が次世代Bluetooth 4.2の仕様を公開しています。詳細は以下から。


Bluetooth 4.2では前バージョンと比較して以下の様な特徴があるそうです。





 特にBluetooth 4.2では転送速度が2.5倍になりパケット容量が10倍になることで通信エラーが減り、より省電力化につながり、


Bluetooth 4.2 increases the speed and reliability of data transfers between Bluetooth Smart devices. By increasing the capacity of Bluetooth Smart packets, devices transfer data up to 2.5 times faster than with previous versions. Increased data transfer speeds and packet capacity reduces the opportunity for transmission errors to occur and reduces battery consumption, resulting in a more efficient connection.

 また、IPv6/6LoWPANでInternet Protocol Support Profile (IPSP)をサポートすることにより、Bluetoothデバイスが直接インターネットに接続できることで家中の様々なセンサーをIoTデバイスとして使用することが可能になるとしています。


Internet Connectivity
Building on the capabilities released earlier with Bluetooth 4.1 and the new features released in 4.2, the Internet Protocol Support Profile (IPSP) will allow Bluetooth Smart sensors to access the Internet directly via IPv6/6LoWPAN. IP connectivity makes it possible to use existing IP infrastructure to manage Bluetooth Smart “edge” devices. This is ideal for connected home scenarios that need both personal and wide area control. This profile will be ratified by the end of the year.


 Ars TechnicaがBluetooth SIGに取材したところによると「現在のBluetoothデバイスで2.5倍の転送速度を得るためには新たなハードウェアが必要になるものの、プライバシー機能(暗号化)についてはメーカーに依存するもののファームウェアのアップデートで対応できるものもある」とコメントしたそうです。

Update: Apparently some but not all Bluetooth 4.2 features will be available as an update for older Bluetooth adapters. “Privacy features may be available via firmware update, but it does ultimately depend on the manufacturer implementation,” a representative for the Bluetooth SIG told Ars. “The increased speed and packet size features will require a hardware update.” The representative is also checking to see whether the FCC will need to recertify older Bluetooth 4.x adapters before they can support Bluetooth 4.2 features. In any case, it doesn’t appear as though older hardware will be able to take full advantage of the newer spec.

[New Bluetooth 4.2 spec brings IPv6, better privacy – Ars Technica]

Bluetooth Technology Special Interest Group – Specification

Bluetooth Technology Website – Press Releases Detail

Bluetooth 4.2 to Bring Direct Internet Connectivity – Mac Rumors

