9to5Macによると、ここ数日の間にApple Support CommunitiesやRedditなどで「mshelper」というプロセスがMacのCPUを利用しているという報告がされ、BitDefenderなど一部のウィルス対策アプリでは仮想通貨のマイニングマルウェアやアドウェアとして検出されているそうです。
A couple of support threads have described people finding a process called mshelper using a lot of CPU usage.
From the little that’s known about it so far, it seems this is either adware or a cryptocurrency miner. Despite the heading in the Reddit thread, there’s no evidence that it’s a virus, so the most likely explanation for its spread is a sketchy download which installs it alongside some other app.PSA: Here’s how to check for – and remove – the Mac malware mshelper – 9to5Mac
- Adware.MAC.Generic.9807
- Generic.Application.CoinMiner.1.99C860C4
How to remove it
以下のファイルをチェックしたい場合は、Finderメニューの[移動]→[フォルダへ移動]かショートカットキーShift + Command + Gで対象のフォルダへ移動することが出来ます。
- /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pplauncher.plist
- /Library/Application Support/pplauncher/pplauncher
Can you please show me a sourced article that discusses this “virus”? When I Google about “mshelper”, all I see are:
- discussion threads on Apple and Reddit
- links to sketchy websites about how to remove it.
Nothing at all from Sophos, VirusTotal, Intego, or any other reputable source that regularly analyzes Mac malware.
Has your MacBook battery life become much worse in the last week or two? – Reddit
- What is mshelper? – Apple Support Communities
- Has your MacBook battery life become much worse in the last week or two? – Reddit
- PSA: Here’s how to check for – and remove – the Mac malware mshelper – 9to5Mac