

 ”MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit”という「MacKeeper」を調べあげた面白い記事が公開されていたので抄訳しました。詳細は以下から。


 この記事「意訳:MacKeeperは集団訴訟という暗雲の中、難しい誕生日を迎えた」IDG News ServiceのJeremy KirkさんがIDGからMacKeeperの調査を依頼され、その調査の一部をまとめたものでMacWorldやPC Worldで配信されており、Mac用ユーティリティアプリ「MacKeeper」の誕生から現在の状況までをレポートしています。




Released in 2010, MacKeeper has been dogged by accusations that it exaggerates security threats in order to convince customers to buy.
The program was originally created by a company called ZeoBIT in Kiev, Ukraine. The country—full of young, smart programmers—has long been a hub for lower-cost software development and outsourcing.
[MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld]


 2011年から2012年にかけてMacKeeperはアンチウィルス機能を追加し、多くのレビューサイトで評価され、その中にはアンチウィルスソフトの評価を行っているオーストリアの第三者機関”AV Comparativesb.hatena“もあり、「ZeoBit MacKeeperは総合的な機能を持った製品で、アンチウィルス、盗難防止など幅広い機能が含まれています」という評価を受けています。


ZeoBit MacKeeper is a product with a very comprehensive range of features. As well as antivirus components and theft protection, a wide range of system optimisation features is included.

[Mac Security Review(*PDF) – AV Comparatives]


 2013年、MacKeeperはZeoBIT社からKromtech Alliance Corpに売られ、ZeoBIT社とKromtechは提携し、ZeoBIT社の多くの従業員はドイツのケルンに本社があるKromtechに移籍。この辺りから高い収益率のアフィリエイト広告を出すようになっていったようです。


In April 2013, ZeoBIT, which now lists its headquarters as Sunnyvale, California, sold MacKeeper to a company called Kromtech Alliance Corp. Kromtech was closely affiliated with ZeoBIT in Ukraine, and many employees of ZeoBIT transferred to the company, which lists its headquarters as Cologne, Germany.
It has also had issues with some affiliate advertisers, who were attracted by the 50 percent commissions Kromtech pays for sales of MacKeeper.

[MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld]




The class-action suit, filed in May 2014 on behalf of Pennsylvania resident Holly Yencha, contends that MacKeeper falsely flagged security and performance problems in order to coax consumers into paying $39.95 for the full version. The suit sought $5 million in damages.
Under the settlement terms, ZeoBIT would put $2 million into a fund for those who want a refund, but admit no fault, which is customary in such settlements. It has yet to be approved by a judge.
[MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld]

 この和解金が適切かは分かりませんが、Jeremy Kirkさんや先週MacKeeperの脆弱性を発見したBraden Thomas さんによると、MacKeeperは2015年までにアメリカだけで約65万~70万のユーザーに購入しされており、ZeoBIT社は(1ライセンス40ドルと見積もっても)2600万ドルの収益を得ていると推測しており、公式ブログによるとMacKeeperがリリースされてから2015年3月までに2000万ダウンロードを達成したそうです。

MacKeeper was wildly lucrative for ZeoBIT. As many as 650,000 consumers bought it in the U.S., according to documents filed in the suit. At $39.95 per copy, ZeoBIT would have made $26 million in revenue in the U.S. alone.

[MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld]


 MacKeeperがマルウェアかどうかは人によると思いますが、訴訟の論点となっている「MacKeeperには嘘のセキュリティ警告とパフォーマンス問題」についてIDGのJeremy Kirkさんは先のオーストリアの第三者機関”AV Comparativesb”に新たに調査を依頼したところ、MacにOS X 10.10 Yosemiteをクリーンインストールし最新のアップデートを適用した状態でMacKeeperを起動すると、クリーンインストールした状態にもかかわらずMacKeeperは「このコンピューターの状態は深刻で500MBの不要なファイルが有る」と警告したそうです。

AV Comparatives, an Austrian company that evaluates antivirus programs, recently tested the latest trial version of MacKeeper at the request of IDG News Service. It was installed on a fresh, fully patched version of OS X Yosemite, Apple’s latest operating system. In theory, the system should have had no problems.

MacKeeper warned in red in several places with exclamation points that the computer’s condition was “serious” due to more than 500MB of “junk” files.
[MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld]

 実際に仮想マシーンにOS X 10.10.3 Yosemiteをインストール、MacKeeperを起動してみたところAV Comparativesの調査と同様、コンピューターの状態(セキュリティ)は深刻で約900MBの不要なファイルがあると診断されました。(パフォーマンスを悪化させているのはMacKeeper自身の様ですが…)


 更にJeremy Kirkさんは米MacKeeperの広報Jeremiah Fowlerさんに取材し、不要なファイルの意味やMacKeeperのWeb広告などについてもコメントを得ているので興味のある方は関連リンクからMacworldの記事へどうぞ。

Jeremiah Fowler, MacKeeper’s U.S.-based spokesman, said that Kromtech has toned down its warnings, but defended the program’s evaluations.

Kromtech has taken steps to reign in unethical affiliates, Fowler said. More than 80 percent of ZeoBIT’s affiliate agreements have since been suspended, and the company’s new compliance department closely vets new ones.

Still, the bad practices of former affiliates caused damage to MacKeeper’s reputation, Fowler said.

[MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld]

Official Website – MacKeeper

MacKeeperTV – YouTube

MacKeeper celebrates a difficult birthday under the cloud of a class action lawsuit – Macworld


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    MPlayerX の件もありますし、このアプリについては警鐘を鳴らすことの方が大事なように思います。

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